When standing out goes wrong

Niches and subcultures have a code. Not necessarily rules. More like guidelines. 

There's just a certain way to do things.

Skateboarding and BMX are perfect examples. (Note: If you didn't know, I've been a BMXer for 20+ years.)

All skateboards (the trick kind, not longboards) basically look the same. The most noticeable differences are the graphics.

And BMX bikes are not much different these days. Other than paint and decals, they all look the same to the average person. 

This is a result of the cultural codes.

I'm oversimplifying these niches, but in general:

This is what we dress like. This is what our bikes/boards look like. You either look like us or you're out.

Typically, businesses want to stand out. But within niches and subcultures, it's totally possible to stand out too much.

By being too different.

So if you're an outsider trying to do business in one of these tight subcultures, tread lightly. 

Respect the code.



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