Is your brand sponge worthy?

If you’re not a fan of Seinfeld then this is not going to make any sense.

Elaine had limited…uh, love to give. She was stingy with her contraceptive sponges. To Elaine, men are either ​sponge worthy or not.​

Similarly, your customers have limited love to give. Your brand is either sticker worthy or not.

So what's sticker worthy? Well, if you gave every customer a sticker of the company's logo; where would it end up?

Do your customers love your brand enough to put the sticker on their car?

On their laptop?

On their Yeti or Stanley?

In a shoebox?

In the trash?

No one wants trash.


PS. No matter how much people love your brand, ain't no one wanting to put a sticker of a shitty logo on their stuff. I can help you achieve your sticker worthiness.


What's more important: a good logo or a good brand?


Actions > Words. Behavior > Intent