"Example is not the main thing in influencing others...”

“…It is the only thing.”

That's a quote from Albert Schweitzer.

Look at your branding and messaging. Does your company's actions live up to what you say about yourself to customers?

Plato and Aristotle had said they "derived more benefit from [Socrates's] character than [his] words"

Look at yourself. Do you live up to your company's mission and values? Or are you just another do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do person?

The phrase is basically a cliche, but it's so true:

Actions speak louder than words.


— Rvw

PS. I don't even know who Albert Schweitzer is, but that quote is too good. This was completely inspired from a page in The Daily Dad, a parenting version of The Daily Stoic.


Your brand. Don't talk about it.


Bad logos say too much.